Monday, April 7, 2008

Ain't Life Grand?!

Well, I am feeling ultra, way, over the top blessed these days. God always blesses us. He blesses us with trials, with poverty, death, and times of total emotional destitution. Yeah, I said "blesses us with". Lately, I have been hit with both sides of the blessing spectrum. My blessings have come in some many different packages. Praising God in the storm as well as in fair weather is the way to go. He sharpens us, breaks us and shows us how to draw near to him and become more and more like him. He wants to make us again. If we'll let Him. What a blessing! I could list all of my blessings but I wouldn't want to make any of you jealous. You might think that God loves me more or something. :) All I can say is: ain't life grand?!

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just life