Thursday, January 3, 2008

Interesting Bit

"Feminism is a political movement that seeks unlimited rights for women without corresponding responsibilities by exempting women from all criticism.

The arrogance of modern day feminism is best illustrated by the case of a feminist atheist who was mad at God after several people were killed in a natural disaster. 'How could a God who is good and just decide arbitrarily who should live and who should die?' she asked indignantly.
Of course, the feminist is pro-choice on the issue of abortion. She feels entitled to as many abortions as she deems necessary. She can abort every other pregnancy, every third pregnancy, every odd-numbered pregnancy, every even-numbered pregnancy, or, for that matter, every one of them if she so chooses.

But no one will ever confront the angry feminist with her hypocrisy. It shows more than that the modern feminist believes she is above God. It shows that the modern feminist movement is succeeding wildly in achieving its current political objectives. "

Dr. Mike Adams’ new book, “Feminists Say the Darndest Things,” will appear in bookstores across America on February 14th.


Ann-Marie said...

Hmmm...interesting. I know you are against feminism...but you are for equality, right?

Deb said...

Depends on what you mean by "feminism" and "equality"...
Everyone's terms are different. You could ask 100 women what those words mean and you'd get a 100 different answers. What do you mean when you say them? When I figure that out then I can give you a better answer...:)

CANDICE said...

yep that was my little girl. ill try and post some for u to see on my blog.

Deb said...

Well, of course, I would agree with that statement for the most part. Do I think that equality means that women can do every thing a man can do? Maybe not. I KNOW a man can't do all the things a woman can do. He can't be a mother. God made us different, not in worth, but in emotional abilities and the roles we play here on this earth. The bible talks about women being the "weaker vessel". This would imply to me that men and women are not equal in how we are made up emotionally and physically. And feminism...I want to say I abhor the thought of it in the terms of what I belive it to be, but I can't imagine all forms of feminism are bad. Because you consider yourself a feminist, right? I can't tell what sort you are, though. I surely hope you don't believe abortion is okay and such. Write me some more about this, hey?

undergroundcrowds said...

equal is equal. "weaker" does not mean what we think it means in the context of scripture. gentler, prized, these are terms that are coming to mind. I know people that won't educate their girls, because they are women. I think that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. We are equal. God had to create both male and female to make up His image. How on earth our we going to be effective in our society if we have this dumb idea women ought not to be educated and just make babies. It's only man that has lowered women. God has always shown honor to women. There are women in the Bible that were effective on a wide scale for God's glory, even politically. Which brings me to the idea of a female Pres. I'm okay with female, not okay with Hillary. in Germany they have designated parking spots for women, and I LOVE IT. That would never fly in the States- some femi-nazi would get on that faster than fast. My thought is, what is wrong with being a woman????? I love it! They want to give me a better parking place because of my being a woman, I'll take it!

What I really want to know is where is that baby?

just life