Saturday, January 19, 2008

See...I Told You

Yup, Y'all want a picture of me and the baby, but I warned you. I look like a bag lady that crawled out from under a bridge (at least that's where the homeless people live here in Pensacola). My face just exudes the battle scars of a c-section birth. Hey, forget about me, look at my Sophia, now she's something, huh? I am recovering slowly, but surely. I feel somewhat normal today. Been off the heavy duty pain meds for a day and a half, so that's good. I can see why some people get hooked on this stuff. It sure does make you feel good. Don't worry, that ain't happening here. Well, keep praying for us. I am still wondering how all this is going to work when Brian goes back to work. Keeping it all together, including home schooling the two oldest ones. I'm a little nervous because there is not much of me to spread around, especially when baby wants me every 1 to 2 hours. I don't know how my friends do it that have 8 kids. Yikes! Anyway, back to my life....


Anonymous said...

aww you guys look great~~she looks so much like your other kids..Thanks for the pic.. i have a week left.. eek. lol. take care of yourself. love candice

marshan said...

Love the pic!!!!

And don't stress'll eventually get into somewhat of a routine, especially with the homeschooling. :)

Ann-Marie said...

Beautiful photo, Deb! You look like a proud Mama, and I love that Sophia's winking! Well, sort of! Too cute!

Linda said...

Hey Deb! Sophia is a beautiful girl!! :) Congratulations! I LOVE the slide show that Brian made. What beautiful children you have.--Linda

just life