Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'm Dreaming of a Cold Christmas

Yeah, it would be nice to have a little bit of the white stuff for Christmas, but highly improbable down here in sunny Florida. But I thought to myself...hey, all I want is a cold Christmas. It's been 75 degrees all week and I can't believe it. Sometimes it makes you the government messing with our weather patterns or is global warming something to consider or does God just have a really good sense of humor. I think it's more likely to be God than anything else. He's so funny! There's bumble bees flying around my yard in the middle of December...I have NEVER seen that before! Have you? Then at night, the mosquitoes are out biting you to peices. Go figure!

I remember when I was a kid growing up in Connecticut and all the snow we would get some winters. All the sledding, making snowman, caves and angels and having lot's of snowball fights with my siblings. There's some really fond memories. We had this really neat back yard. Way in the back was about a thirty foot straight drop for a hill then it hit the top of our back yard where we would build a big snow bump we would use as "the jump bump". Well, if you were really brave, you would take your sled to the top of the thirty foot drop, sled down it, hit the backyard "jump bump" and fly down the rest of the yard. Sometimes the speed of the whole process flung you right into the wall of the house, but was it fun! Whenever Dad heard us hit the wall he would come out and pitch a fit. I guess he had good reason this time...I wouldn't want a hole in the wall of my house either. :)

There were also times where the snowflakes were especially big and fluffy and came down so heavy. I would go outside late at night and listen to it gives you a feeling of peace that I guess only comes from God himself. Everything in the neighborhood looked like something from another world with all the heavy snow all over it. I would sit and stare silently for quite a long time and I didn't want to leave it...

Now my kids wonder when their chance to play in all the snow is going to come. I just keep telling them...some day. If my husband keeps talking about moving to Tennessee or Wisconsin then I think their day will come if we ever decide to move. Who knows, maybe even next Christmas? Until then, we are just praying for a cold Christmas while all you folks up north dream of one that is white.


Juliet said...

If I could, I would ship you some of the snow we have. And you could ship me the nice weather. We could just reverse the weather.

Nice post of memories.
Love AJ

Deb said...

Hey, sounds good! I know my kids would love the idea! In fact, I just sent Ian, my 7 year old, to bed and he told me he was going to dream of snow in our back yard. Go figure! Hey, you should post some memories of your childhood in the snow with your siblings on your blog...I'd love to read it.

Love ya' Aunt Juliet!

Ann-Marie said...

Move to Wisconsin! Move to Wisconsin! Then you'd be closer, and we'd get to see y'all more - and white winters are SO fun! I'll bet you do miss them...I kow I would!

The Beard Bunch said...

Hey, I am with you on this whole "what is Christmas without snow" thing. I love our weather, but it would be nice if it got cold (say 30 degrees) and snowed on Christmas day and then was back to normal. We really can't complain too much though, can we. At least we have the good memories of the bitter cold :)

just life