Monday, October 29, 2007

Local Heritage Festival

We went to a local heritage festival at Blackwater forest preserve. It was really neat. The kids had a blast! They were able to shuck corn the old fashioned way, watch a blacksmith soder iron over a fire and look at some really interesting taxidermy. This guy had a stuffed alligator he caught himself and the thing was almost 20 feet long! The alligator feasted on stray dogs that would get too close to the water he was in. When the guy killed him he found like five or six dog collars in his stomache! Hmmmm... A local gentleman brought his mini army museum with him. He showed Ian all the weaponry and even how to kill the enemy three ways with one weapon. Yeah, Bob! Not! We all had a great time bonding as a family. The Forest preserve was beautiful (even if the leaves don't change down here in Florida).


Ann-Marie said...

Your kids are so cute! I love the photo with the alligator. Almost like they were afraid to touch his jaw might snap shut!

I'm SO glad you guys had a good time - gotta love those blacksmith demonstrations!

Deb said...

Thanks Ann-Marie! Say, how are you doing these days? Do you feel okay and how's the car situation going?
Email and let me know...

Love ya',

marshan said...

How fun!!! Love the pics. I don't think I've seen all your kids until now. They're adorable!!!!

Deb said...

Thanks Marshan! I've been getting a kick out of your monthly comparison of Makenna to your old doll. She's getting so big, so fast! I think I'm going to steal your idea and take similiar pictures. What a doll and the boys seem like a bunch of cute, little stinkpots...all boy! Hey, how's home schooling going?

undergroundcrowds said...

what cute kids. They're getting so big. I still have your boy's baby pictures. I pray for them.

Deb said...

Thanks Sarah!
Hey, can you email me your address again?
Two more months and you wil finally experience the blessing of your own children!

just life