Monday, February 23, 2009

Miss Mismatch

Okay, we are not quite matching today, but you have to admit that the hat is cute. Can you tell that my kids dress themselves? :)


marshan said...

Are you telling me that kids are SUPPOSED to match? I long gave up on that. IF I took the time to dress my kids every day in the way I wanted them to dress....well, let's just say it would never get done. :)

She is absolutely adorable!

Deb said...

Hey, Marshan...
Do any of your boys ever wear the same clothes day after day without your noticing it? This has happened to me a few times late;y. I'll look at Ian and go, hey bud, you've had that same shirt on for three days, don't you think it's time to change it? Ha! Thanks for the kind words! Hope your pregnancy is going well! :)

Ann-Marie said...

I love, love that hat! Your girls has a sense of STYLE (she sure didn't get it from me!).

just life